Dienstag, März 15, 2011

Samstag, Januar 22, 2011

Wutangrza 3.55 CFW

How to install Wutangrza CFW

Download 3.55 OFW (official firmware)
Download http://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gifhttp://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gifWutangrza’shttp://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gif 3.55 patchhttp://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gif
Download geohot’s jailbreak
Ensure your current PS3 firmware is version 3.55 — if not, update to it, then proceed
Get bsdiff installed — you need “bspatch” from that;
Patch 3.55 OFW with Wutangrza’s patch (from a terminal or command prompt)

bspatch PS3UPDAT.PUP CFW.PUP Wutangrza-3.55.patch

CFW.PUP = to-be patched firmware update (it’ll be generated for you)
Wutangrza-3.55.patch = Wutangrza’s patch file
Copy and rename CFW.PUP to a USB storage device:/PS3/UPDATE/PS3UPDAT.PUP
Flash this patched PUP from the XMB or Recovery Menu
Copy geohot’s jailbreak PUP to the same USB device overwriting the previous PS3UPDAT.PUP
Flash it from the XMB — you’re now fresh out the clink with peek/poke LV2 patches

There’ve been no brick reports, I don’t think… And no backup managers work right now. One (probably a few managers) will follow. The developer of multiMAN, deank, he’s real close. We’ll keep ya posted. In the meantime these hombrews install and work.

Update: kmeaw releases their “LV2 pkg.” Here’s the deal: Get Wutangrza’s Chttp://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gifFW and geohot’s jailbreak installed and working. Install this pkg and run it — run it before you start using whatever Backup Manager (may I suggest multiMAN). This package dynamically patches LV2 adding the appropriate syscalls; the patch stays resident until your PS3 is powered off.

Download the LV2 pkg here. Sourced from psx-scene.

Update: Here is Wutangrza’s patched PUP for anyone having difficulties patching it themselves (or if you’re lazy).

Update: kmeaw shares the LV2 patcher code on github. Also I’ve updated the download to v2.

Montag, Dezember 27, 2010

Ubuntu Beine machen !!!

Preload lädt häufig benutzte Programme in den Hauptspeicher eures Laptops. Preload verkürzt die Startzeit eurer Programme in Ubuntu. So müsst ihr weniger auf euren Ubuntu-Laptop warten.

Man kann Preload mit einer Ramdisk vergleichen, nur das Preload die Ramdisk dynamisch anlegt.
Installation in Ubuntu

Ihr könnt Preload bequem aus den Paketquellen installieren. Entweder mit dem Software-Center oder ganz lässig über das Terminal:

sudo apt-get install preload

Mit Preload starten eure Programme bis zu 55% schneller.

Donnerstag, Oktober 07, 2010

Castlevania: Lords of Shadow PS3 cheats

To enter the code, simply press the following buttons below at the loading introductory screen just before the mission starts."

PS3 Version Cheat Code: U, U, D, D, L, R, L, R, O, X

PS3 Cheats:

- All Relics - Discover all Relics
- All Combos - Activates all Combos without purchasing
- All Gems - Discoverall Magic Gems
- All Upgrades- Discover all Weapon and Relic upgrades
- No Damage- Invicibility

Dienstag, September 28, 2010

PS3 Game Ripper v1.0

So endlich mal ein Tool zum auffinden von Dummy files oder Videos oder Music.

Edit: Im Ripper 1.0 wurde ein Bug gefunden deswegen hier gleich die Aktualisierung aud Version 2

Download Ripper 2.0

NZHawk's Awesome MountPoint Manager v1.0

Originally Posted by NZHawk
So , after a few days messing with the SDK, I have now created my first homebrew app for the PS3.

This Awsome MountPoint Manager is pretty much like the existing backup manager, with one major difference! You can choose any folder on any device on you PS3 to use as the mounted disk.

I wanted to mess around with the SDK that was 'avaliable' and it was a good learning curve! (Pretty much the first time ive coded in C++) and it was a challenge! (24 hours with no sleep )

How to Use?

1. Download and install my app
2. Browse to the location that you store your PS3 backups (does not have to be LAUN12345/GAMEZ anymore!)
3. Make sure you have highlighted the folder that CONTAINS the game to be mounted (Not inside the game folder!)
4. Press the right button on the D-Pad
5. Double check that you have selected the folder that CONTAINS the game!! Then press the right D-Pad button again.
6. The app will now exit to the XMB, and you *should* see the game where the Blu Ray Game usually is


Download NZHawk's Awesome MountPoint Manager v1.0

Mittwoch, September 22, 2010

SFO Editor Linux Edition V1.0

Today Red Squirrel from Italian site PSP-Cheats.it has released PS3 SFO Editor Linux Edition v1.0.0 for those who prefer not to use the previously released Homebrewed PS3 System File Editor v0.80 Windows version.

What's it?

It's a Linux GUI to view and edit PS3's PARAM.SFO files. It does NOT contain any Sony's code or function, so it's a free homebrew at 100%. With the easy GUI you will can edit all PARAM.SFO parameters in just a moment, then the program will convert your choises automatically and it will write them in a new PARAM.SFO.


This is the first public release of this program and even if many deep tests have been made maybe there are yet some bugs. Use it at your own risk. If you find a bug please contact me at my website or my email to report it.

Note: If you experience issues, it executes properly with ./PS3_SFO_Editor_LE.gambas from terminal.

Changelog v1.0.0

• Easy and user-friendly GUI.
• Possibility to change ALL parameters in PARAM.SFO.

This means you can edit: Version, App. Version, Title ID, Default Title, Localized Titles, Parental Lock Level, Required Firmware, ID Online (if present), Category, Video Resolution, Audio Formats and Remote Play option.

• Possibility to view an advanced grid with all effective PARAM.SFO keys and values.

Download SFO Editor Linux

MP3 zu at3 Sound konvertieren !!!

Das ist ne Kurzanleitung für XP
  1. Download GoldWave.rar (Den Download Link gibts unten) einfach installieren
  2. Download AT3_codec.rar (Den Download Link gibts unten) einfach installieren
  3. Rechts klick auf das atrac3.inf file und Install auswählen - Dann popt eine Meldung auf "The software you are installing for this hardware has not passed Windows Logo testing" klickt einfach auf "Continue Anyway" button.
  4. Öffnet euer mp3 file mit goldwave. Unter "save as type" wählt ihr Wave. Unter den Attributen wählt ihr ATRAC3.
  5. Wenn ihr das habt speichert es auf eurem desktop. Bennent das File dann einfach um in .wav to SND0.AT3 und ihr seit fertig !
Für Vista müsst ihr noch folgendes zusätzlich installieren !!!

1. Download Vista_atrac3.rar (Den Download Link gibts unten). Extrahiert es.

2: Das "atrac3.acm" file packt ihr in den Windows\SysWOW64 Ordner.

3: Double click auf das "atrac4vista.reg" file. Das fügt die Informationen der Registry zu und das wars !!! danach wie oben beschrieben.

Download Goldwave
Download Vista_atrac3
Download AT3_codec


Ohne viele Worte hier ist der Download


Freitag, September 17, 2010

Demo Manager 1.0

| Demo Manager v1.0 |
| developed by Waninkoko |
| www.teknoconsolas.es |


This tool for PC allows you to install PSN content in your PS3, without PSN access,
creating the folder structure and files needed for it.

It's necessary to have write access to the PS3 hard disk.

| STEPS: |

1. Drag the .pkg file you want to install onto the application executable.
2. If everything went ok, a folder called "00000xxx" (xxx is a random number) should be created.
3. Copy the .pkg file inside the folder.
4. Copy the entire folder in your PS3 into "/dev_hdd0/vsh/task"
5. Reboot your PS3 (without the jailbreak) and the package should appear in the GAME menu,
ready to be installed.

Download Demo Manager 1.0

PSN Demo Installer Released

Originally Posted by stadicon
PSN Demo Installer
by stadicon

- Create .pdb files
- Upload files to your PS3 through FTP

- .Net Framework 2.0
- PS3 FTP Server

You can use this tool in 2 ways:
1) Create .pdb files and upload them with an external FTP Client (e.g. Filezilla)
2) Let the tool create and upload everything directly to your PS3

1) Open PSN Demo Installer
2) Press “Select PKG” button to complete the correct Content ID and Package File name (you can just type them manually but it is strongly recommended you get them from the PKG)
3) Type Package Name (the name of the demo as shown on XMB before installation)
4) Pick a Task Folder number (according to that, you should pick the final destination folder on your PS3)
5) Press “Create .pdb” and pick a folder. There will be 3 files created: d0.pdb, d1.pdb, f0.pdb.
6) Use an external FTP Client (e.g. Filezilla) to transfer those 3 files and the .pkg through PS3 FTP Server in /dev_hdd0/vsh/task/0000000x (x = the Task Folder property you picked before).
7) When files are moved to PS3, simply restart your console (without PSJailbreak/PSGroove/PSFreedom) and there will be an option for your demo installation on the XMB.Go on and install it!

1) Open PSN Demo Installer
2) Press “Select PKG” button to complete the correct Content ID and Package File name
3) Type Package Name (the name of the demo as shown on XMB before installation)
4) Pick a Task Folder number (you can leave it at 1 and the uploader will automatically adjust it)
5) Press “Upload Files” and the FTP Dialog will show up
6) Fill your PS3 IP Address. Before you go on, make sure your PS3 FTP Server is up and running
7) Press the “Upload” button. Wait for the files to be transfered.
8) When files are succesfully transfered (check the logs), restart your PS3 (without PSJailbreak/PSGroove/PSFreedom) and there will be an option for your demo installation on the XMB. Go on and install it!

WARNING: The “Create and Upload Files” option is easier to use, but the FTP library implemented in the application is not as fast as a dedicated FTP Client, like Filezilla. You may experience long wait times or, even, failures on PKGs with large sizes (1GB+) -due to PS3 FTP Server being extremely buggy-.
So for those of you looking to try out the latest demos, this package basically helps you install them to your PS3 via FTP once they've been downloaded to your PC.

Source: PS3Hax

Download PSN DEMO Installer

Mittwoch, September 15, 2010

PS3 Gamesexplorer

Nette Sache zum bisschen rumschauen ^^

DL Gamesexplorer

Sonntag, September 12, 2010

Edit Mafia2 Soundtrack

So da sich Zeiten ja ändern und man nun mit seiner PS3 wieder etwas mehr Experimentieren kann, werde ich auch denke ich öfter mal was posten wenn ich lust und zeit finde.
Na da ja FTP nun kein hindernis mehr darstellt einfach hierhin browsen : Mafia DIR/PS3 GAME/USRDIR/sds/music/radio/ dort habt ihr dann so 40-50 Ordner mit Unter Ordnern für die einzelnen Stationen.

Da das File Format FSB ist braucht ihr noch ein Tool zum konvertieren das ich euch anhänge, also einfach die MP3s konvertieren nach FSB und die gleichen Namen nutzen wie im Original und schon habt ihr etwas schönere Musik in Mafia2 viel Spass !!!

Linux 32 Bit
Linux 64 Bit
Windows 32 Bit
Windows 64 Bit

Montag, September 28, 2009

Gewinnt einen roten Mercedes SLR für Gran Turismo PSP

Sony und Polyphony Digital haben nun ein kleines Webspiel veröffentlicht, bei welchem man einen Download-Code für einen roten Mercedes SLR gewinnen kann.

Hier ist der Link Zum Game GT PSP GAME

Mittwoch, September 02, 2009

Mittwoch, August 12, 2009

PS3 Radio mit dem PS3 Media Server !!!

Mit diesem schicken Zusatztool wird einfach eure Webconf Datei vom PS3 Media Server aktualisiert, und schon habt ihr eine neue Rubrik World Music - und habt 1000 von Radi Stationen auf eurer PS3.

Einfach die im Paket liegende Datei starten das wars dann auch schon.

Viel Spass damit - hier der Link zur Datei !! PS3Radio

Mittwoch, Juni 17, 2009

Joost jetzt auch auf der PS3 abspielbar !!!

Wer joost mal auf der PS3 testen möchte einfach einmal mit der PS3 folgende Adresse ansurfen http://labs.joost.com/tv ist zwar noch nicht allzuviel da aber das kann sich ja noch entwickeln sieht aber schon mal nicht verkehrt aus.
PS3 Sixaxis Control for Joost


* Up/Down: Vertically navigate through the menus
* Left/Right: Horizontally switch between the main menu, video list, and video info
* X: The only button you can use to select menu items


* Hold X down: Show the video controls
* X + Up: fullscreen
* X + Down: Pause
* X + Left/Right: Previous/Next show in the video list
* O: Exit fullscreen

Go to http://labs.joost.com/tv/ on your PS3's web browser to test it out.

Putpat Beta = Vidzone mit dem Browser !!!

Wer möchte kann sich unter http://putpat.tv zur beta anmelden sieht nach einem Dienst aus der in der Zukunft sicher enormen Zuspruch finden wird ^^ Viel Spass damit !!!

Sonntag, Juni 14, 2009

Bonuscodes Fuel

48992519 - Fahrerhelm “Camo”

20061977 - Fahrerjacke “Road Addict”

91031985 - Fahrerhose “Speed Angel”

18041851 - Fahrzeug “Warrior”

18021974 - Lackierung “Schmetterling”

17121973 - Lackierung “Blitzschlag”